Build My Portfolio with Me: I Published My First Game Portfolio!

Michelle Kwan
2 min read5 days ago


I have been a bit neglectful of my weekly game rants, and that is because I have set a deadline for myself to have the first version of my game portfolio by the end of June!

I learned Readymag from scratch, joined a few game jams, made a few solo narrative games, and wrote additional content samples on the side. While it is far from perfect (I plan to add to it as I continue to work on more samples in the next few months), I am glad that I now have a functioning website to showcase what I’ve done!

A few of you may have noticed that I have been posting about my portfolio-building journey here, but I thought I’d do a round-up of what this first version includes:

  • 3 narrative-based games on
  • writing samples (worldbuilding, character profile, dialogue, quest)
  • some additional skills I’m working on the side
  • an about me page!

I’m so glad to see the progress I’ve made in 6 months! There’s more in progress (I’m working on another mini-game), and I hope this little adventure of mine motivates you to work towards your goal as well! I know the middle of the year can be a bit hard, but let’s charge through together.

Check out my portfolio here!

Thanks for reading! Weekly game rants should be back next week. A hint: Myth meets Persona? Stay tuned!

If you’d like to check out my social media (and my new portfolio!), check it out here.



Michelle Kwan

Aspiring Narrative Designer/Game Writer + Avid Storyteller. I mostly write about games, but sometimes I go off-track and write about other things too.